Have you got a good news story to share? Do you know someone doing exceptional work for cats, or producing an amazing cat product? Send us the details and we will include them in our " Good "MEWS"

Show Teams can send Show information for inclusion on the "MEWS" page to keep our Members up to date with your plans or any special promotions.



Come one, come all! and boy have our loyal TICA EW Members come out in force for the TICAMadness Christmas Show taking place this weekend in Ryton -on -Dunsmore at the Sports Connexion Leisure Centre. The Show has a HUGE COUNT  of 174/180 !! The biggest count our TICA EW Region has had since pre Covid. It is fantastic to see our Cat Fancy getting back to where it was. Pop down and see some of your favourite breeds such as The British Shorthair, Sphynx, Bengal, Maine Coon, Persian and Exotic Shorthair and some of the more unusual breeds like the Lykoi, American Curl, The Selkirk Rex, The Cornish Rex and the Peterbald. Each of the 7 rings will be beautifully decorated with Christmas Trees sponsored by various Members and Catteries, we bet the Cats will go crazy for the Tinsel!  Sunday at the show is CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY, so don't forget to pack your blingiest and brightest jumpers. The show team looks very much forward to welcoming you to watch our International Judges  in action. Including some first time visiting  Judges from Korea!  Come down and join us for a really Fun and Festive Weekend. To our TICA EW Members - we look forward to catching up and having a toast to the Season with you all.

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